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Grievous Bodily Harm With Intent – All You Need To Know

Grievous bodily harm with intent is the most serious assault that anybody can inflict on another human being. It is categorised as a serious crime, and criminal proceedings against the accused can be brought under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.

If you are the victim of GBH with intent, then you have the legal right to financial compensation, and you have two ways to go about getting it. You can either make a claim directly with the accused, or, if they have no means to pay, then you can make a claim with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, an executive agency that is sponsored by the Ministry of Justice, which processes claims for compensation for criminal injuries.

You can make a claim for injuries sustained by assault, whether there is an ongoing criminal investigation or not. It is sometimes the case that the Crown Prosecution Service may drop a case against the accused, due to a lack of evidence, or because they deem the accused not to be a danger to society. However, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority operates under different criteria, and you may still be able to make a claim under the circumstances.

What should I do next?

You should seek new legal advice with a lawyer who specialises in winning compensation for people who have sustained criminal injuries. An experienced lawyer will consider your case, and inform you of the strength of your claim. If the lawyer believes that your case is winnable, then they will tell you this. It is up to you whether you make a claim or not, though, and the legal advice you receive should be offered without any obligation. The best place to get fast legal advice is with an accident advice helpline operated by a law firm.

How much compensation could I be entitled to?

Compensation amounts for injuries sustained because of grievous bodily harm with intentrange from £1,000 to over £250,000. The amount of compensation you could be entitled to depends on the extent of your injuries, your recovery period, and your prognosis for the future. To determine these things, you will need to attend a medical examination as part of the claims process, so that an up to date medical file can be created on your behalf. The examination will be set up by your solicitor. That new medical file will then be used as evidence, and to establish a fair and proportionate settlement figure for your injuries. The medical file will be presented to the other side, who will review its findings along with all other evidence. If that evidence proves beyond any reasonable doubt your assault, and the extent of your injuries, then your claim should be processed within a few months.

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